Onsite at MPI Chapter Business Summit during The Leadership Playlist workshop.

The Leadership Playlist: Energize Your Journey TO Breakthroughs

If you want a unique way to unlock your creativity and break free from stagnation, look no further. The Leadership Playlist is a perfect program to unleash your creativity and eclipse the psychological hurdles that have been holding you back. By experiencing this program, your attendees will be able to learn more about working through fear, branding, teamwork, and unlocking their creativity. This program is ideal for professionals of all ages and demographic backgrounds as we all love to express ourselves through music.

How To Unlock Your Creativity

Inspired by the classic book, “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, this keynote and workshop guide the attendees through three to four hours of self-reflection, vulnerability, and personal growth. This is a highly-interactive workshop where attendees will be sharing, writing, and learning cutting-edge techniques to unlock the creativity that has “gone missing” since childhood. Attendees rave about the storytelling that is developed within this workshop and how it is carried over into their daily lives.